Konosuba Character Q&A


As part of the lead up to volume 17, Akatsuki Natsume has hosted a character Q&A session on his twitter account, where each day a different character will be answering questions from the public. I’ve translated the responses and collated them here for posterity.

11 thoughts on “Konosuba Character Q&A”

  1. Hello, thank you for the translation.
    Also, will you also be translating Orokamono vol.6 or Konosuba final volume?


  2. Thanks mate! Some really interesting and funny answers! Aqua surprised me the most:

    > If they end up having children with Kazuma, I’ll give them a goddess’s blessing and protect them. And once everyone has gone to heaven, I’ll return to heaven and watch over their descendants.

    That’s actually really sweet! It’s just that, you know, she’ll probably nag those descendants for good wine and other selfish things.

    Looking forward to the Eris Q&A, she’s probably my favorite character. She won’t be part of the harem I think, but she should be in my opinion. Kazuma’s serious remark about her being someone he can truly respect will stay with be forever.


  3. Ser, thanks for the journey thus far. I’ve been secretly following this konosuba series for almost 5 years and this site is like a hidden paradise for me. Kudos to you and your team, thank you…


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