Category Archives: Manga

Continued Explosions 2019 Artbook: Somemiya Suzume manga

[This is the short manga that Somemiya Suzume (Artist of the Vanir and everyday life manga) did for the 2019 Summer comiket continued explosions artbook. Kasen did the other manga that appeared in that artbook, available here.]



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Gifting this wonderful world with Explosions: 2018 Art Fanbook Somemiya Suzume comic

This is a short manga that appeared in the 2018 Megumin Art fanbook that was a collaboration between various professional artists. The various artpieces can be found online, and Kasen has already translated the comic done by Mori Kasumi as part of the continued explosions manga adaption, available here if you are interested..

This is going up here in place of the usual Saturday chapter because I’ve experienced some delays in the TL process for Dust 4, which means that I’m not ready to start publishing them yet. I hope this short story will prove enough to tide everyone over until I get everything sorted out. With luck, Dust 4 will start going up from next week onwards, but with the current state of things, I can’t make any promises.


Continue reading Gifting this wonderful world with Explosions: 2018 Art Fanbook Somemiya Suzume comic