(Not April fools) Konosuba Volume 17 and Dust 7 Release date announced!

Yeah, I know the internet is overflowing with fake news on this day, but this is a legit announcement. In a new tweet released today, Kadokawa announced the release date of Konosuba Volume 17 and Dust 6 to be the first of May, 2020.

The tweet contents are as follows:

Konosuba Volume 17: Releasing on May 1st! This volume will be the conclusion to the story.

However… In the afterword, there will be some information about the “after story” that never made it into the web version!?

Also, this may be shrunk down, but this is the first reveal of Mishima Kurone-sensei’s new cover art!

(1st of May) Along with the final volume of Konosuba, the final volume of the spinoff series “A time in the limelight for this fool too!” will be released! 🎊

In Kazuma’s absence, the Demon King’s Army launches an attack on Axel!? Dust will make full use of all the cunning that he has cultivated as a delinquent adventurer and all the relationship that he has built up(?) as he readies to confront this final battle.

Please bear witness to the final battle of Dust, the man who was loved by dragons above all else!

18 thoughts on “(Not April fools) Konosuba Volume 17 and Dust 7 Release date announced!”

  1. Its been 7-8 years now. Akatsuki created a masterpiece and I look forward to its ending. Not to mention that Akatsuki was smart enough to end it while its still at the peak of popularity. Now the question is whether it will have the same or similar ending as the WN or something new.


  2. Nice! I’m looking forward to it. Maybe I should re-read the LN in preparation – I’ve got plenty of free time for it with everything going on.


  3. I wouldn’t rule out the possibility that this “After Story” is a whole nother book that comes after vol. 17. Or maybe vol. 17 will be significantly longer than the other volumes have been.


  4. I think it’s a good time to end it, I’m always concerned that LN series will just continue forever with villains of the week.

    Let’s just hope the “After Story” isn’t just the equivalent to ToAru’s “New Testament” and it continues under a different name.


    1. Hopefully no, They are already going to battle the Demon King and keep going just for the sake of it is a terrible idea.
      It’s better to end it before the Qualitty drops drastically, It’s fine to release an after-story later but the main plot needs to end now.


  5. Woooow!!! The end is finally ay sight!!! Can’t wait to see the epic finale for Kazuma’s adventure and how he become a epic hero!!! And I can finally start Dust’s story ’cause I just lookin for the right time to start it and I think this is the time!!


  6. I was hoping to see that volume 17 will contain where Kazuma and his allies finally to meet the Devil king and his daughter.


  7. Really looking forward to the conclusion of the series which is sad its ending but great that Akatsuki isn’t planning on dragging it but ending at a perfect momentum. I just hope the ending will be much better than the Web novel especially for Darkness. Not that I’m hoping she will be with Kazuma I know she wont be but at least give her a happy ending.


  8. I’m very sad 😭 why … why ending the konosuba ? I can’t imagine finishing Konosuba, but maybe I have to accept it. Maybe I’ll leave the anime. it’s very difficult for me. i will waiting for session 3. Thanks for everything cannongerbil


  9. Remember, the one who kill the demon lord has qualification to marry princess Iris + kazuma has iris’ ring which is important thing that she only give to her husband to be…I wish I could see kazuma + iris again in final volume…


  10. Hoping that Darkness have a bit of (Serious) moment with Kazuma. Cause every time they do, it just turns awkward or to a fight or interupted abruptly.

    I know many of you are Kazumin all the way,
    but Megumin have many such moments.

    Its time to give Lalatina a proper cliche romance moment or something


  11. Konosuba: Yes, only one day left! Well less than 24 hours. Hopefully this ending of this masterful story is a good one. I have a feeling I’m going to cry at the end.

    Dust 6: This spinoff series is short lived. It should have gotten more volumes. But likewise, I’m happy for the ending.


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