Konosuba VN (Kono Yokubukai Game ni Shinpan o!) Megumin Reward/Punishment scenes


Here are the subbed Megumin’s scenes from the Konosuba VN

Reward 1: Maid

Reward 2: Swimsuit

Reward 3: Idol

Reward 4: Reading

Reward 5: Serafuku

Punishment: Massage

Punishment: Kabedon

Punishment: Laundry

Punishment: Princess Carry

Punishment (Feeding)


10 thoughts on “Konosuba VN (Kono Yokubukai Game ni Shinpan o!) Megumin Reward/Punishment scenes”

  1. Swimsuit one is absolute bullshit. Kazuma? Not feeling anything from half-naked Megumin? But giving erotic orders to Aqua? LOL WUT? I would rather believe in Vanir/Aqua ship.


    1. IKR, as far as I know, Aqua is the ONLY female in the series Kazuma has never felt attraction to, I’d believe Dust and Luna before these two.


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